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RE:[sap-security] Authorization - Use System Fields As Object Value

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Reply from Alex Ayers on Feb 7 at 4:09 AM
Hi, I assume this is the same question as the one on SAPFans, in which case:

Assuming that there will be some customization required you have some options:

- Build roles. Lots of them.

- Use the enhancement framework find an appropriate place to add additional code to default sy-uname into the field and make the field uneditable.

- Use a parameter ID to populate the field and use a screen variant to make the field uneditable. This would mean you need to restrict users from changing their own PID's and someone would have to maintain it against the user (manually or a scheduled job could do it).

---------------Original Message---------------
From: titzik
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 8:35 AM
Subject: Authorization - Use System Fields As Object Value


I want to use sap system fields as the value of authorization object fields.
like the user name sy-uname.
or like user default parameters
How can I do it?

Thank You.

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Alex Ayers  

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