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RE:[sap-basis] Upgrade Add-on Doculink, Error Phase CHECK REQUIREMENTS

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Reply from D. Caddick on Feb 10 at 5:59 AM

Please do not duplicate your Questions.

Please refer to the following link:



---------------Original Message---------------
From: Obed_sh
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2014 12:30 PM
Subject: Upgrade Add-on Doculink, Error Phase CHECK REQUIREMENTS

Hi experts,
I've performed the upgrade Doculink in SAP by means the SAINT transaction.
In the SAP-DEV and SAP-QAS the upgrade was made without problems. Now when we are ready to apply the same in the SAP-PRD (Production environment) occurs an error, and I don't know which can be.
Hope some advise and thanks in advance.
Here is the error that appears:
"The following details help you to analyze the problem:
- Error in phase: CHECK_REQUIREMENTS
- Reason for error: QUEUE_NOT_EMPTY
- Return code:
- Error message:
In this phase the system checks the various requirements for the add-on
installation. The following are reasons why this phase may fail:
o TP_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_SYSTEM: tp cannot log on to the system
Check the action log (in the menu, choose Goto -> Action Log). You
may be able to use the detailed tp error message in this log to
identify and remove the cause of the error.
o QUEUE_NOT_EMPTY: There are still OCS requests in the transport
buffer which are not completed. You can show these requests with the
following tp command:
These requests have to be completed or deleted from the buffer
before you can continue importing the queue.
o CANNOT_DROPBUFFER: tp cannot delete old, incompletely processed
Support Packages from the tp buffer.
Check the action log (in the menu, choose Goto -> Action Log). You
may be able to use the detailed tp error message in this log to
identify and remove the cause of the error."

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D. Caddick  

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