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Reply from Felipe Uribe on Jan 27 at 11:53 AM Thanks a lot Ananth
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Felipe Uribe Sent: Friday, January 24, 2014 3:56 PM Subject: Workflow ESS: Mandatory Text for Rejecting Task in User Decision is Not Displayed in ESS Hello every one. I'm Using Portal ESS with SAP Vs 6 (ERP 6 EP 6 and Portal 7.31) and I developed a Workflow for BUS2089 (TRIP), the problem I have is: The Workflow has a user decision in which I modeled for rejecting option a mandatory text (Justification) to be placed when the user choice this option. If I create a TRIP and I execute the Workitem using the ERP, the Workflow ask for justification in a mandatory PopUp after the rejection option is selected, , but if I execute the Workitem using Portal ESS, the option for mandatory text after rejecting the task, is not displayed. There's a different behavior between the ERP and ESS using this option in a User Decision in Workflow. Any suggestion? Thanks a lot | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | In the Spotlight Become a blogger at and share your expertise with the community. Start today. _.____.__ |