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Question from SAPKF on Dec 5 at 12:00 AM Hi, We have created org Structure in PRD. All our org units start by 01.01.2000. But we observed that there are few org units and positions with date like 05.10.1997. While checking, we identified that some standard org units had these numbers which later changed to custom ones wef 01.01.2000. These standard org units were delimited wef 31.12.1999 and the same numbers are assigned to custom org units. Overview will be: Org unit no.: 50000150 Start date End date Short text Long text 05.10.1997 31.12.1999 Verwaltung SAP Verwaltung 01.01.2000 31.12.9999 Pack Dept. Packing Department in PPOM screen, the start date of Pck dept is 05.10.1997. Thus, the dates are inconsistent. Same way we have few positions also. Upon raising this to SAP, it was mentioned as Consulting issue and may relate to Time constraint class and no. range. In Pre-prd, we had to delete few incorrect objects. Hence, we changed the TC but again we reset it to 1 which is the standard one. 1 is marked in PRD for IT1000. We are using the standard PD no. ranges and not customized anything for objects wise. SAP also says they are not able to predict things but this will cause duplicate/overlapping numbers for OBJID. We know that we can change the start date of objects thro t code RE_RHBEGDA0 (report RHBEGDA0). But, we want to know what is the reason for this problem and in what way we can ensure that this will not occur in future. How to resolve this issue? Thanks | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |