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Reply from Satish_Latti on Dec 13 at 12:21 AM Dear Neha, Thanks for your valuable reply and one more thing this scenario fully through the system not a out of the system. But as you said above scenario create new WT in IT015 this is again added in his income now and it is not paid to employee it is only consider in income then calculate on this income tax it should be paid by the employer. Thanks & regards, Satish.
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Satish_Latti Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2013 7:19 AM Subject: Perk Calculate on Car Sale to the Employee Hi Dear Experts, Please suggest me how to assign Perk calculation as my client requirement as below. Company car sold to employee for personal use at a lesser price than depreciated price of asset. The difference being perquisite is taxable in hands of employee but company is at stand to bear the Income tax. So please suggest me how should I configure it or is possible through standard scenario in the system please advise me about wage type & info types. On perk amount tax of Rs.24462.52 paid by employer. Car Honda City: 31-Dec-09 925,700.00 -Actual Perchased Amt 31-Dec-10 185,140.00 740,560.00 31-Dec-11 148,112.00 592,448.00 31-Dec-12 118,489.60 473,958.40 31-Dec-13 94,791.68 379,166.72 Selling Price 300,000.00 Perquisite 79,166.72 Tax @ 30.9% 24,462.52 Thanks in advance, Satish. | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |