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RE: [sap-newbies-l] Performance Issue With Select Single * Inside Loop

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Reply from horacio zapettini on Dec 6 at 1:05 PM
We don't know if this is totally true. Perhaps, abaper is inserting a new record into gt_tcurf if the value is not found in the table after that select.
A more appropiated answer would be to know all the facts.

Abaper: hope you get a solution. Anyway, use the debug on an step by step basis with the response time turned on to evaluate where the program is spending more time. Once you get that ranking, you can decide where to point your fingers and start solving.

If the internal tables have a lot of records, then a hashed table would do well. If the tables hold a few records (up to 10000) then a sorted table could be of help. Read by TABLE key not by key. You could also check how long takes each complete iteration of the loop. And if you have a lot of rows in that table, multiply the iteration time by the number of rows. Perhaps, the problem is there .... We need more info in order to suggest a good solution.

Regards and good luck.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Kalyani Udare
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 12:45 PM
Subject: Performance Issue With Select Single * Inside Loop

Hi Abaper,

Try not to use select query inside the loop.

You are already reading gt_tcurf table using read statement and again after
that statement you have written select query on TCURF table. There is
absolutely no need of this select statement unless and until your internal
table doesn't contain required fields. These fields however can be included
in your internal table itself.


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