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Reply from USER_2500361 on Mar 14 at 3:55 AM Hi, Please check the parameters in below FM CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_CTRACDOCUMENT_CREATE' EXPORTING testrun = l_testrun documentheader = l_wa_docuheader completedocument = 'X' IMPORTING documentnumber = l_new_doc return = l_wa_return TABLES partnerpositions = li_bapidfkkop. Fill the above parameters accordingly. For L_WA_DOCUHEADER l_wa_docuheader-fikey = l_postkey. l_wa_docuheader-appl_area = g_wa_dfkkko-applk. l_wa_docuheader-doc_type = g_wa_dfkkko-blart. l_wa_docuheader-doc_date = sy-datum. l_wa_docuheader-post_date = sy-datum. l_wa_docuheader-currency = g_wa_dfkkko-waers. l_wa_docuheader-doc_source_key = g_wa_dfkkko-herkf. . For li_bapidfkkop, l_wa_bapidfkkop-rep_item = g_wa_dfkkop-opupw. l_wa_bapidfkkop-item = g_wa_dfkkop-opupk. l_wa_bapidfkkop-sub_item = g_wa_dfkkop-opupz. l_wa_bapidfkkop-comp_code = g_wa_dfkkop-bukrs. l_wa_bapidfkkop-buspartner = g_wa_dfkkop-gpart. l_wa_bapidfkkop-contract = g_wa_dfkkop-vtref. l_wa_bapidfkkop-cont_acct = g_wa_dfkkop-vkont. l_wa_bapidfkkop-appl_area = g_wa_dfkkko-applk. l_wa_bapidfkkop-main_trans = g_wa_dfkkop-hvorg. l_wa_bapidfkkop-sub_trans = g_wa_dfkkop-tvorg. l_wa_bapidfkkop-actdeterid = g_wa_dfkkop-kofiz. l_wa_bapidfkkop-division = g_wa_dfkkop-spart. l_wa_bapidfkkop-g_l_acct = g_wa_dfkkop-hkont. l_wa_bapidfkkop-tax_code = g_wa_dfkkop-mwskz. l_wa_bapidfkkop-doc_date = sy-datum. l_wa_bapidfkkop-post_date = sy-datum. l_wa_bapidfkkop-net_date = sy-datum. l_wa_bapidfkkop-text = g_wa_dfkkop-opbel. l_wa_bapidfkkop-currency = g_wa_dfkkop-waers. l_wa_bapidfkkop-amount = g_wa_dfkkop-betrw. APPEND l_wa_bapidfkkop TO li_bapidfkkop.
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Wonder Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 4:43 AM Subject: BAPI_CTRACDOCUMENT_CREATE example Does anyone have a working example of BAPI_CTRACDOCUMENT_CREATE where only the document header and partner positions have been entered and complete document is set to X. I keep on getting the error message G/L Account cannot be posted to, please correct your entry. So I would like to know which fields need to be filled in the two structures. | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |