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Reply from Priya on Mar 15 at 3:07 AM Hi Prateek, It is better that you create a Table, rather than a template. In a table, you can create a row and place this address in different cells - as a 'new line'. For each cell, you can give a condition to print only if it is not initial. So a table can adjust and print whatever field values are available and will move up accordingly.
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: pratteek Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 11:27 AM Subject: Adding Conditions in the Template Within Smartform Dear All, I have made a template which is used to display the address of the client. The format of the template is 1 Column and 5 Lines(rows). Row 1 --> Fix Text Row 2--> Name of client Row3 --> Street Row 4 --> Region Row 5 --> Country. Now what I want is if a client does not have street address(Row 3) stored in our system than the trailing rows should come one step upwards. Is it possible? If yes, than How? Regards, Prateek | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |