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RE:[sap-dev] Fun with Deploying Enhancement Packs

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Reply from LCC352 on Feb 18 at 2:44 PM
If this is a no-no, just let me know. I do not work for nor have any affiliations with the company I'm mentioning.

I've used a product from Panaya to assess what's going to work and what isn't during an upgrade. My guys found it to be very effective in identifying areas that were going to be an issue vs. areas that might be an issue and should be checked, etc. What it allowed us to do was figure out where we should concentrate our efforts. It wasn't always 100% effective, but it saved lots of time.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: R. N. Wilhite
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2013 11:55 AM
Subject: Fun with Deploying Enhancement Packs

So here's a nice thread to post some things that we are learning while implementing Enhancement Packs.

Please post here as you find gotcha's and the like while implementing an enhancement pack. Our company is implementing EHP5, so I'll be posting about that.


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