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Question from MAntunes on Jul 6 at 11:44 AM We have a Z table, developed by the installer, which has vendors (LFA1) and manufacturers (a kind of supplier entity and also hold in LFA1). Now that the installer finishes the project, we were requested to enhance the maintenance view with two improvements: a) add the name of the vendor to the maintenance view (there only is the manufacturer's name from LFA1) b) add the characteristics column for the manufacturer ( hold in CAWN and CAWNT) For a) I already learned that is not possible to link a view two times to the same table. I very sorry to know this as it is perfectly normal in other systems - for instance, in our previous ERP, it is quite easy to join billing of materials table, which has father and child materials in same row, to the master material table and get both descriptions. For b), despite I've searched in several sites, I can't figure out how to establish a conection between vendor / manufacturers in LFA1 to CAWN (to get the key to go to CAWNT for the descpription). I already added a field similar to CAWN-ATWRT and it is already being saved in the base/physical table maintained by the maintenance view I'm trying to expand. I also added the field name to show the vendors name but seems I have to delete it from the view and say to the user that it is not possible to get both names, vendor's and manufacturer's in the view... Thanks for any help. MAntunes | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |