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RE:[sap-acct] Posting is Only Possible With a Zero Balance and doc.balance Not Zero Errors

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Reply from KASIVISWANATH on Jul 6 at 11:55 AM
Go to OB22 and enter group and hard currency and save.
Go to F-28 (CUSTOMER CLEARING) enter the respective data and click on simulate and post

---------------Original Message---------------
From: cpcostales
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 5:26 AM
Subject: Posting is Only Possible With a Zero Balance and doc.balance Not Zero Errors

How to handle issue regarding Error message: "Posting is only possible with a zero balance; correct document" and "Internal error: doc.balance not zero / comp.code & vendor & customer &"

"Posting is only possible with a zero balance; correct document"
-this error message is encountered when performing a manual clearing.

"Internal error: doc.balance not zero / comp.code & vendor & customer &"
-this error message is encountered during the auto payment program

So far, my investigation brought me to the fact that both these errors are encountered due to the differences in exchange rates of the invoice currency and the payment currency.

My questions are:

1. What factors causes this issue to occur?
2. Why are we experiencing this issue and to some extent affecting only several LEs (about 7)?
3. At to what extent should the number of affected LEs be, before implementing a probable OSS Note/Fix? (Note 1578928).
4. Another probable solution would be the ticking of "No exchange rate diffs" in transaction code OBY6. (I still need experts advise with this).

Please help advise on how to handle this kind of issue. Thanks! :)

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