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Reply from R. N. Wilhite on Jun 8 at 11:41 AM Unless they have EDI as one of their system requirements, I'd probably duck the IDoc. I'd go flat file to BAPI probably. Neal
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Pierre Richer Sent: Friday, June 08, 2012 11:33 AM Subject: Master Data Management (Customer / ShipTo) Hi Robert, There is many ways to transfer data between SAP and other systems. IDOC, BAPI, RFC, Interface, WebService. Your choice will depend on if update has to be synchronuous, or asynchronous, the volume of data, the frequency. Data validations and respect of the business logic are important too. Each method has pros and cons. In case of IDOC, you will have to monitor them to be sure everything went well but it runs in background, meaning no wait time for the user. Compare to BAPI and RFC, users see error messages right away, update are (usually) done online. RFC and BAPI can be used with connectors (.NET, JAVA .....and other) I think you're on a good way. Pierre | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |