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Re: [sap-dev] Master Data Management (Customer / ShipTo)

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Reply from Odysseus on Jun 8 at 12:55 PM
Pierre is right. There are a lot of ways to do it. You could actually set up an interface with the LSMW but this is generally not done particularly when there's a lot of volume.

For customer and vendor master, one of the easiest ways is to build an Idoc interface. I'm assuming you have some sort of translation software that can convert flat files from the legacy system to IDocs from SAP. The only thing to remember when doing this is that you need to send Address information separately. There are even standard programs to output customer and vendor master data in IDocs for transfer to other systems.

There are also batch input programs to load customer and vendor master data, but you need to structure your data to meet their input structures. IDocs are more convenient because you get the benefit of a whole slew of monitoring and trouble-shooting tools in the IDoc interface.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Pierre Richer
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2012 11:33 AM
Subject: Master Data Management (Customer / ShipTo)

Hi Robert,

There is many ways to transfer data between SAP and other systems.

IDOC, BAPI, RFC, Interface, WebService. Your choice will depend on
if update has to be synchronuous, or asynchronous, the volume of data, the
frequency. Data validations and respect of the business logic are
important too.

Each method has pros and cons. In case of IDOC, you will have to monitor
them to be sure everything went well but it runs in background, meaning no
wait time for the user. Compare to BAPI and RFC, users see error messages
right away, update are (usually) done online.

RFC and BAPI can be used with connectors (.NET, JAVA .....and other)

I think you're on a good way.


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