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Reply from R. N. Wilhite on Jun 1 at 8:10 AM So, let me get this straight. You want an abaper advising you on configuration... Hmmm... OK, so the tcode is v/40. We use RD00 in most cases, so I pick that one. Double click processing routines. Change the configured print program and form as needed. Now, you mentioned Invoice list. In my system, that's LR00 and uses RVADIL01 for the print program and SD_INVOICE_LIST for the form. So given that, why would you be trying to mess with RLB_INVOICE in the first place... Neal
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Josef Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:47 PM Subject: Billing Document Does Not Exist in VF22 Hi Neal, The configuration you mean here is NACE? mind to give more information about this configuration? Is it advisable to copy RLB_INVOICE to Z program? In RLB_INVOICE, we are calling multiple standard function module..and for this checking IF vbrk-vbtyp NA vbtyp_fakt. MESSAGE e041 WITH vbrk-vbeln. ENDIF. ,its fall under a few level down in the program RLB_INVOICE - FM#RV_INVOICE_DOCUMENT_READ'.. RLB_INVOICE->Perform get_data-> call function 'LB_BIL_INV_OUTP_READ_PRTDATA' -> call function LB_BIL_INV_OUTP_READ_DBDATA -> call function 'LB_BIL_INVOUTP_INVOICE_SELECT' -> call function 'RV_INVOICE_DOCUMENT_READ'. thanks. | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |