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RE:[sap-acct] Vendor With Discount Terms

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Reply from Nikki Klein on May 22 at 12:12 PM
Hi Nancy

Typically we'd look at three areas: Master data, Transactional data; and finally Configuration.

The vendor in all four company codes has the same payment terms, so it's not a master data issue.

I assume that you've looked at each of the invoices in the "odd" company codes and made sure that no one has overridden the payment terms to a Net 30 one; so it's not a transactional data issue.

That leaves only configuration as the possible cause. I'd look into what the "outgoing payment with minimum cash discount %" is for the "odd" company codes, as compared to the successful company code.

Finally I'd do a payment proposal for that vendor in the "odd" company codes, with the full log switched on, and see if anything useful is coming out of the proposal log that might help to drive to the cause of this.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Nancy Diasio
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 10:34 AM
Subject: Vendor With Discount Terms

My company has multiple corporation that pay a vendor with discount terms. The purchase order is set up as 1%Net 30 The vendor is set up as 1%10Net 30 and it is being keyed and paid within 10 days, but when I complete my check run for the week it does not pull for invoice to be paid and waits til 30 days with no discount. This vendor is set up in SAP with 1 vendor number in 4 different corps

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