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RE:[sap-acct] Problem with Transaction FBCJ

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Reply from Sarfaraz0604 on Apr 5 at 7:21 AM

In FBCJ Tcode there is a Document split (check receipts), while entering the line items in Business Transaction we have options such as Invoice and code .
For EG:
Line Item Business Amt Cost center GL Tax Customer Assignement
1 Inv 176.25 100005 1800165571
2 Code 23.75 502152 82700 A4

when i save this
I will be getting error.

enter customer for this accounting transaction

I hope i have succeeded in explaining.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Sheikh Sarfaraz
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 6:21 AM
Subject: Problem with Transaction FBCJ

When we receive a cheque from a customer it usually pays either an invoice or a code, however on occasions a cheque can pay a number of invoices or a number of codes, or the cheque may need to be allocated to both an invoice and a code.

We have entered the cheque into FBCJ as usual and then split the payment in the normal way,

However when we have then tried to save this item we are receiving an error message and it will not allow us to continue
Getting Error Message : enter a customer for this accounting Transaction

We have not encountered this problem when we are splitting a cheque to pay just invoices or just codes.

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