Reply from TerryB on Mar 22 at 12:47 PM I don't know how many records are in these tables in your system, but in our system BKPF has over 6 million records and BSEG has many 10s of millions. The code in your example would never work in our (maybe most) SAP systems. Typically if a program needs such a wide-open select on BSEG, then a range of 'created on" dates is required. Cheers, Terry
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: bryantondie Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 9:03 AM Subject: Failing to Output Report Because the Internal Table Errors Hi Guys, I am able to generate a report in development but when i move it to the production it gives me an error cannot extend the internal table because there is no more storage space here is my code please help REPORT ZVATIN11. * TABLES IN USE FOR THE PROGRAM TABLES: bkpf, bseg. * the data i need from both tables bseg and bkpf TYPES: BEGIN OF vat_struct, date LIKE bkpf-bldat, doc LIKE bkpf-belnr, inv LIKE bseg-zuonr, vend LIKE bseg-lifnr, base LIKE bseg-fwbas, vat LIKE bseg-wrbtr, txt LIKE bseg-sgtxt, code TYPE bseg-bukrs, busn TYPE bseg-gsber, END OF vat_struct. *THE PARAMETER TO USED FOR THE SELECTION PARAMETER comp LIKE bkpf-bukrs. *TWO INTERNAL TABLES USED FOR THE DATA data: i_bkpf type standard table of bkpf with header line, i_bseg type standard table of bseg with header line. select * into corresponding fields of table i_bkpf from bkpf WHERE bukrs = comp. select * into corresponding fields of table i_bseg from bseg for all entries in i_bkpf where bukrs = i_bkpf-bukrs. * bukrs = i_bkpf-bukrs and *belnr = i_bkpf-belnr and *gjahr = i_bkpf-gjahr. Loop at i_bseg. WRITE : / i_bseg-bukrs, i_bseg-belnr, i_bseg-gsber, i_bseg-zuonr, i_bseg-lifnr, i_bseg-fwbas, i_bseg-wrbtr, i_bseg-sgtxt, i_bkpf-bldat. ENDLOOP. | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |