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Reply from adi24 on Feb 2 at 2:06 AM before PIT IN76 add a new rule to the schema since no rule processes /414 it is being generated by payroll function INMED suppose new rule ZD76 and process /414 here * **** wgtyp? /414 addwt *9414 addwt * **** addwt * now it will work try this out write the new rule against payroll function PIT ZD76 GEN NOAB
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: aditya agarwal Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 1:38 AM Subject: Copying Technical Wage type_Unable to See in RT table hey dude IN76 is not processing /414 only so which pcr is doing so. I mean in which PCR u have written to process 9414. We do not require to modify IN76 rule, you have to modify the rule which processes /414. there you write your code 9414 adddwt * then it will work find the rule which processes /414 wagetype. you not require to modify IN76 | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |