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RE:[sap-log-mm] Report that Shows Field Changes Within a Table

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Reply from LCC352 on Jan 16 at 11:51 AM
Hi, Ian - first, see if your system is tracking changes for this table. Go into SE12, put in the table name, click on the "Technical settings" button. Look for the flag at the bottom of the screen that says "Log data changes". If it's checked, you can create a report of changes made to the table and we can discuss how to do that report. If it is not, it means that SAP is not tracking changes, and no report will be possible. In my system, it is not checked. I would say this is the default from SAP.

- Lou

---------------Original Message---------------
From: ian inkson
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 10:43 AM
Subject: Report that Shows Field Changes Within a Table

Hi all
Is there a report that shows field changes within a table, i.e field vomem in table MLGN?
Regards ian

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