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[sap-acct] Call Up Report in Library 0FL - Report Painter

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Posted by RonnelBabatio (SAP FICO Consultant)
on Oct 5 at 11:14 AM
Hi guys,

I have migrated a report from Library 8A2 EC-PCA Standard Reports to 0FL New General Ledger.
via GR55 - Report Painter
We are now using New GL and opt to use PCA under it instead of Classical PCA.

Now my issue is this, I was able to run it under 0FL but the Call up report is not available. I cannot drill down.
It is saying as per below.
But is this still applicable to New GL?

Assign a receiver report to the report
Message no. GR785
You tried to execute a report callup at a detail line. However, no receiver reports have been assigned to the current report.
System Response
A report callup could not be executed.
Assign at least one receiver report to the current report. If you have authorization, the corresponding function can be found under the menu option 'Settings->Report/Report Interface'
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