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[sap-acct] Dunning List is Empty and Object F150_DUNN_01 Does Not Exist

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Posted by Marco_2011
on Sep 19 at 1:13 AM
I executed dunning run (F150) and the dunning list generated by the program is empty even though when there are past due open items. Now, when I process the 'Individual Dunning Notices' I see the open items being selected for Dunning and when i try to view the sample output, error 'Object F150_DUNN_01 does not exist' is generated.
I have verified that the form F150_DUNN_01 exists and active in the system. The Form is in the language 'EN' (same is the language for Customer Communication). I can also preview the form F150_DUNN_01.

I have made the following configuration setting:
1. Defined Dunning Procedure
2. Defined 4 levels of dunning and 'Always Dun?' indicator is active for all levels.
3. Set form 'F150_DUNN_01' under the dunning text and also set the indicator for Payment Advice
4. F150_DUNN_01 is a SAPScript, and in event 1720 (tcode BF31), function module 'FI_PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE' is selected.

Can someone help me understand:

1) Why dunning list is empty while the Individual Dunning Notice is selecting data.
2) How can I resolve the "Object F150_DUNN_01 does not exist' error.
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