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[sap-basis] Copying Client 001 instead of 000

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Posted by an2ny
on Aug 8 at 10:07 PM
Hi Experts,

Just a query, we've installed srm 7.0 ehp1 and after finishing the post processing I've noticed that we've copied client 001 to the new client (sandbox client - 251) instead of 000. is there any drawback or consequence of doing that? The thing is we have already configured SRM-ECC integration (SRM 251 and ECC 251).
Is there any harm? because reviewing the client 001 - it is copy of master client 000.. but based on the document -

"SAPinst creates three ABAP clients during the installation, client 000, client 001, and client 066.
Client 000 is the SAP reference client for ABAP.
Use client 000 as source client for the client copy."

Please help me analyze and explain if there will be a drawback about copying client 001 instead of client 000. should I delete the existing client251 and create a new client251 copied from client 000 and repeat the SRM - ECC integration?

Thank you.

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