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Re: [sap-basis] Single Sign-on (SSO) configuration!

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Posted by Robin Haettich (Lead Solution Architect)
on Apr 21 at 10:12 PM
Hello Joao,

Yes, we can and will provide more information about single sign-on.

What you describe is for the Netweaver applications/systems? You mention a Business Objects system as well? Would that be a BOE or another SBOP product? Is the expectation that SSO is setup for that system as well? I imagine it won't be on Netweaver and use its own user store?

Thank you very much.

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---------------Original Message---------------
From: João Miguel Dimas
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2011 10:03 PM
Subject: Single Sign-on (SSO) configuration!

Hello gurus,

Can you help me to understand one thing... a colleague of mine tried to connect to a Business Object (BO) application, but failed, he failed to connect... the error, he said me, is with something about user, and he said me to configure the single sign-on between BI Java (.../irj or .../nwa) and BI Abap!

I have been search for documentation and I found the following help sap site:
http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70ehp2/helpdata/en/6 2/c0503e1dac5b46e10000000a114084/frameset.htm

... I also found a chapter in a System Copy guide for "SAP Systems Based on SAP NetWeaver 7.0 including Enhancement Package 2 Java", there is described something about setup single sign-on.

I already did one part, I changed the following profile parameters (login/create_sso2_ticket = 1 and login/accept_sso2_ticket = 1)... next I also did the exportation of R3 SSO certificate from the Trust Manager (STRUST transaction) and I saved this file with name BWD-020.crt, then I went to the Visual Administration(VA) and I tried to import this certificate... but I didn´t figured out how!

Can you tell me how can I do this type of configuration?!
Can you suggest me a guide to configure this?

Kind regards,
Joao Dimas - Portugal

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Robin Haettich
SAP Basis Helper

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