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RE:[sap-log-mm] Query (SQ00) - Display of descrption fields at selection screen

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Posted by LCC352 (Sr. Mgr, ERP/Financial Systems)
on Mar 2 at 4:20 PM
Hi, Giuseppe - the selection text within the query itself is limited by the field RS38R-SESTEXT, which is defined as 30 characters, but the actual screen on my system allows you to type in only 24, which seems to match how many characters you're seeing. I don't believe you can override that within the query itself without changing standard SAP.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Jotako
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2011 4:55 PM
Subject: Query (SQ00) - Display of descrption fields at selection screen

Hi gurus,
I have the following problem, the displayed text for the fields in input for a report using queries, doesn't show the entire description text of the field, but just a part of it for some of them.
I don't know how to set it for seeing the entire description of fields,
Can anyone help me with these topic?
Thanks very much,

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