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Hello All, The Magnetic Media file that is generated during W2 processing for State of Georgia is named HR_F_MMREF_1_GA. Starting this year, Georgia is requiring us to upload the file to their website. We have attempted to do this but are receiving errors. When we download from PU19, the downloaded file is 1024 characters in length with 2 records of 512 on each line of the file( using Notepad to review). This is not acceptable at the State DOR website. The file will not upload. I attempted to use PU12 to export the temse file. This time there is one record per row of data (Notepad). GA DOR has reviewed our file and determined that the record length on our file is 550 characters long and should be 512. I have checked the layout of the Magnetic file in SPRO and each record type contained in the file is defined as 512 characters in length. The header record states that it is 512. Is there a better way to download TemSe files and capture all of the data with the correct record length? Thanks, Connie | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 and message author. 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Most Popular White Papers In the Spotlight _.____.__ |