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RE:[sap-basis] Is there a maximum password length parameter in R3 4.7 that can be changed?

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Posted by Snowy (Certified Netweaver '04/Oracle Basis consultant)
on Mar 2 at 4:08 PM

R/3 4.7 cannot use password longer than 8 characters.

if you want more characters, upgrade to ECC 5.0 or ECC 6.0 !

---------------Original Message---------------
From: cstarbasis
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2011 3:33 PM
Subject: Is there a maximum password length parameter in R3 4.7 that can be changed?

Our company is running SAP R3 4.7, and has been bought out by another company. They are asking us to change password parameters that we currently have set to defaults. One of them is the minimum password length parameter login/min_password_lng to 8 from the current 3. When I do this in the test system, it works, but when I try to type in a password with MORE than 8 characters, the computer chimes at any character typed after the 8th one. Is 4.7. limited to 8, or can it be changed?

Thanks in advance.

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