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RE: RE:[sap-hr] The CAT2 scroll bar has disappeared.

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Posted by DebHsv (Business Analyst I)
on Jan 15 at 7:06 PM
Thanks David. We are on GUI patch 18 which is current level. I will search OSS notes. This is happening for all users, all clients, all layouts and profiles.

Debbie Satterfield
Business Analyst I
256-532-8310, cell 256-652-8608

---------------Original Message---------------
From: david-homrighouse
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 5:47 PM
Subject: The CAT2 scroll bar has disappeared.

This looks like a GUI issue. Stupid questions:
What are the GUI and patch levels?
Did you search in SAP OSS? Try searching on the GUI itself.
This happens for all computers regardless of GUI installed?
Do you use any specific layout for CAT2 other than the standard?

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