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RE:[sap-basis] Error 2 in internal function SCSM_SYSTEM_LIST when accessing st06

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Posted by geunrisse
on Dec 20 at 9:47 PM

I did the following steps:
-> open command prompt
-> run commmand saposcol -d
-> kill
-> leave
-> launch
-> exit

When I accessed services.msc, saposcol for my system disappeared. When I ran tcode ST06, it says SAPOsCol not running.

Here is the content of file dev_coll:
SAPOSCOL version COLL 20.94 BIN - 20.58 NT 07/08/15, 64 bit, multithreaded, Non-Unicode
compiled at Nov 15 2007
systemid 562 (PC with Windows NT)
relno 7100
patch text COLL 20.94 BIN - 20.58 NT 07/08/15
patchno 81
intno 20020600
running on MDCSAP03 Windows NT 5.2 3790 Service Pack 1 8x AMD64 Level 15 (Mod 6 Step 8)

10:25:20 21.12.2010 LOG: saposcol -q pf="C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe\host_profile"
10:25:20 21.12.2010 LOG: Profile : C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe\host_profile
10:25:20 21.12.2010 LOG: Saposcol Version : [COLL 20.94 BIN - 20.58 NT 07/08/15]
10:25:20 21.12.2010 LOG: Working directory : C:\usr\sap\PRFCLOG
10:25:20 21.12.2010 LOG: Allocate Counter Buffer [10000 Bytes]
10:25:20 21.12.2010 LOG: Allocate Instance Buffer [10000 Bytes]
10:25:20 21.12.2010 LOG: You can ignore :"Index of Title:[Disk Queue Length] not found" on Windows NT 4.0
10:25:20 21.12.2010 LOG: You can ignore :"Index of Title:[Disk Queue Length] not found" on Windows NT 4.0
10:25:20 21.12.2010 LOG: You can ignore :"Index of Title:[Disk Queue Length] not found" on Windows NT 4.0
10:25:20 21.12.2010 LOG: You can ignore :"Index of Title:[Disk Queue Length] not found" on Windows NT 4.0
10:25:20 21.12.2010 LOG: You can ignore :"Index of Title:[Disk Queue Length] not found" on Windows NT 4.0
10:25:20 21.12.2010 LOG: You can ignore :"Index of Title:[Disk Queue Length] not found" on Windows NT 4.0
10:25:20 21.12.2010 LOG: You can ignore :"Index of Title:[Disk Queue Length] not found" on Windows NT 4.0
10:25:20 21.12.2010 LOG: You can ignore :"Index of Title:[Disk Queue Length] not found" on Windows NT 4.0
10:25:30 21.12.2010 LOG: Shared Memory Size: 133272.
10:25:30 21.12.2010 LOG: Connected to existing shared memory.
10:25:30 21.12.2010 LOG: MaxRecords = 754 <> RecordCnt + Dta_offset = 1193 + 61
10:25:35 21.12.2010 WARNING: WaitFree: could not set new shared memory status after 5 sec
10:25:35 21.12.2010 WARNING: Cannot create Shared Memory

How can I resolve this issue?

Also, I've read the following from http://help.sap.com/saphelp_bw30b/helpdata/en/a3/9 ec43a1291a74ce10000000a114084/content.htm

"You only require one SAPOSCOL per server, even if multiple SAP instances or even multiple SAP systems are running there."

In my case, I have two SAPOsCol running in my server because I have two different systems residing in my server --PI1 and XI1. My SAPOsCol for XI1 is running, while the error I am encountering concerns PI1's SAPOsCol.

How can I point PI1's SAPOsCol to XI1's?



---------------Original Message---------------
From: geunrisse
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 4:16 AM
Subject: Error 2 in internal function SCSM_SYSTEM_LIST when accessing st06

hello all,

I am having a problem regarding my system's saposcol. first, when i tried to access tcode ST06, it displays nothing except the message "SAPOSCOL mot running (shared memory not available)". i check services.msc and the saposcol was running. i patched the saposcol with a new one from SAP, and now when i tried to access tcode st06, it displays info about my system, but there is an error message below that says "Error 2 in internal function SCSM_SYSTEM_LIST", and when i went back to services.msc, SAPOSCOL is set to automatic but it is not started, but the word "stopped" is not seen either. i started the saposcol again, but after i few hits on the refresh button, saposcol stops again.

please help.
your inputs would be highly appreciated.


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