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[sap-abap] Program for Printing in MIGO doing things on its own

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Posted by csalazar (SAP Business Analyst)
on Nov 27 at 12:47 PM
I am not an ABAPER and I am using the following code to print labels for receiving materials in MIGO. My problem its that althought in NACE all the parameters are there, there is a couple of things this code seems to be doing on its own:
1. On the first line of migo always executes a message (WE04) even if it not set up in NACE.
2. When it founds a message to print not only does it for that line but does it for all the lines on MIGO, so if I want to receive 2 items, I end up with 4 labels (2 for each)
If somebody knows where can I check those errors. First it goes to this program:
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZIMPRIMEETIQ *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT zimprimeetiq. *INCLUDE ZMILLS_MM_OC_TOP. tables: nast, "Messages  *nast, "Messages  tnapr, "Programs & Forms  itcpo, "Communicationarea for Spool  arc_params, "Archive parameters  toa_dara, "Archive parameters  addr_key,  mara. "Adressnumber for ADDRESS   DATA: xscreen.   INCLUDE ZMILLS_MM_OC_ETI.

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Include ZMILLS_MM_OC_ETI *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*  FORM entry USING ent_retco ent_screen.  DATA: l_druvo LIKE t166k-druvo,  l_nast LIKE nast,  l_from_memory.   * l_doc TYPE meein_purchase_doc_print.  DATA: ls_print_data_to_read TYPE lbbil_print_data_to_read.  DATA: ls_bil_invoice TYPE lbbil_invoice.  DATA: lf_fm_name TYPE rs38l_fnam.  DATA: ls_control_param TYPE ssfctrlop.  DATA: ls_composer_param TYPE ssfcompop.  DATA: ls_recipient TYPE swotobjid.  DATA: ls_sender TYPE swotobjid.  DATA: lf_formname TYPE tdsfname.  DATA: ls_addr_key LIKE addr_key.   DATA: w_charg TYPE charg_d,  w_matnr TYPE matnr,  w_menge TYPE menge_d,  w_lifnr TYPE elifn,  w_meins TYPE meins,  w_licha TYPE lichn.   DATA: BEGIN OF t_mseg OCCURS 0,  charg LIKE mseg-charg,  matnr LIKE mseg-matnr,  menge LIKE mseg-menge,  lifnr LIKE mseg-lifnr,  meins LIKE mseg-meins,  licha LIKE mch1-licha,  END OF t_mseg.        xscreen = ent_screen.    CLEAR ent_retco.  IF nast-aende EQ space.  l_druvo = '1'.  ELSE.  l_druvo = '2'.  ENDIF.   * CALL FUNCTION 'ME_READ_PO_FOR_PRINTING' * EXPORTING * ix_nast = nast * ix_screen = ent_screen * IMPORTING * ex_retco = ent_retco * ex_nast = l_nast ** doc = l_doc * CHANGING * cx_druvo = l_druvo * cx_from_memory = l_from_memory. * CHECK ent_retco EQ 0. * IF nast-adrnr IS INITIAL. ** PERFORM get_addr_key ** CHANGING ls_addr_key. * ELSE. * ls_addr_key = nast-adrnr. * ENDIF.   * Fill up pricing condition table if calling from ME9F * IF l_doc-xtkomv IS INITIAL. * SELECT * INTO TABLE l_doc-xtkomv FROM konv * WHERE knumv = l_doc-xekko-knumv. * ENDIF.   *Obtiene datos  SELECT *  INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE t_mseg  FROM mseg  WHERE mblnr = nast-objky(10)  AND mjahr = nast-objky+10(4).       **Set the print Parameters  PERFORM set_print_param USING ls_addr_key  CHANGING ls_control_param  ls_composer_param  ls_recipient  ls_sender  ent_retco.   *Get the Smart Form name.  IF NOT tnapr-sform IS INITIAL.  lf_formname = tnapr-sform.  ELSE.  lf_formname = tnapr-fonam.  ENDIF. * Determine smartform function module for invoice  CALL FUNCTION 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME'  EXPORTING  formname = lf_formname  IMPORTING  fm_name = lf_fm_name  EXCEPTIONS  no_form = 1  no_function_module = 2  OTHERS = 3.  IF sy-subrc <> 0. * error handling * ent_retco = sy-subrc. * PERFORM protocol_update_i.  ENDIF.    LOOP AT t_mseg.    IF NOT t_mseg-charg IS INITIAL.    SELECT SINGLE licha  INTO w_licha  FROM mch1  WHERE charg = t_mseg-charg  AND matnr = t_mseg-matnr.    ENDIF.  w_charg = t_mseg-charg.  w_matnr = t_mseg-matnr.  w_menge = t_mseg-menge.  w_lifnr = t_mseg-lifnr.  w_meins = t_mseg-meins.      CALL FUNCTION lf_fm_name  EXPORTING  archive_index = toa_dara  archive_parameters = arc_params  control_parameters = ls_control_param  mail_recipient = ls_recipient  mail_sender = ls_sender  output_options = ls_composer_param  user_settings = ' '  i_charg = w_charg  i_matnr = w_matnr  i_menge = w_menge  i_lifnr = w_lifnr  i_meins = w_meins  i_licha = w_licha * TABLES * l_xekpo = l_doc-xekpo\[\] * l_xekpa = l_doc-xekpa\[\] * l_xpekpo = l_doc-xpekpo\[\] * l_xeket = l_doc-xeket\[\] * l_xtkomv = l_doc-xtkomv\[\] * l_xekkn = l_doc-xekkn\[\] * l_xekek = l_doc-xekek\[\] * l_xkomk = l_xkomk * EXCEPTIONS  formatting_error = 1  internal_error = 2  send_error = 3  user_canceled = 4  OTHERS = 5.    endloop.  IF sy-subrc <> 0. * ent_retco = sy-subrc. * PERFORM protocol_update_i.   * get SmartForm protocoll and store it in the NAST protocoll * PERFORM add_smfrm_prot.  ENDIF. ENDFORM. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form set_print_param *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_LS_ADDR_KEY text * <--P_LS_CONTROL_PARAM text * <--P_LS_COMPOSER_PARAM text * <--P_LS_RECIPIENT text * <--P_LS_SENDER text * <--P_CF_RETCODE text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM set_print_param USING is_addr_key LIKE addr_key  CHANGING cs_control_param TYPE ssfctrlop  cs_composer_param TYPE ssfcompop  cs_recipient TYPE swotobjid  cs_sender TYPE swotobjid  cf_retcode TYPE sy-subrc.    DATA: ls_itcpo TYPE itcpo.  DATA: lf_repid TYPE sy-repid.  DATA: lf_device TYPE tddevice.  DATA: ls_recipient TYPE swotobjid.  DATA: ls_sender TYPE swotobjid.    lf_repid = sy-repid.    CALL FUNCTION 'WFMC_PREPARE_SMART_FORM'  EXPORTING  pi_nast = nast  pi_addr_key = is_addr_key  pi_repid = lf_repid  IMPORTING  pe_returncode = cf_retcode  pe_itcpo = ls_itcpo  pe_device = lf_device  pe_recipient = cs_recipient  pe_sender = cs_sender.    IF cf_retcode = 0.  MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_itcpo TO cs_composer_param. * cs_composer_param-tdnoprint = 'X'. "Note 591576  cs_control_param-device = lf_device.  cs_control_param-no_dialog = 'X'.  cs_control_param-preview = xscreen.  cs_control_param-getotf = ls_itcpo-tdgetotf.  cs_control_param-langu = nast-spras.  ENDIF. ENDFORM.

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