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RE:[sap-hr] How to generate a sap automated email based on Termination date of employee?

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Posted by JG-SAPHR (Senior SAP HR Consultant)
on Nov 1 at 8:26 PM
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The usual mailing will not be enough for your purpose. The mailing needs to be diaried to be sent to the addressee on the date as you said. So you need
a)a custom function to store the diary entry - probably is a custom table. This function is to be called from your dynamic action for termination.
The function also needs to be called when the termination action is deleted (or the person is reinstated) or changed to a different date.
If the action is deleted, then the diary needs to be deleted.
If there is a change, the old diary is to be replaced by the new date's diary.

b)a custom program to run daily to monitor the above diary, check if the employee has been terminated that day and send mail.

Define your requirements, design the functions/table/s
Discuss with the ABAP experts with your requirement details.
Collaborate with the developer to complete the functions/programs.
Test the functions with enough scenarios in the dev system's test client.
Then move the changes to QA for UAT. Assist users for UAT.
After UAT sign-off, the changes can be moved to prod.
Monitor the changes in prod.

Hope this helps.
Regards, JG

---------------Original Message---------------
From: joenam
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 6:29 PM
Subject: How to generate a sap automated email based on Termination date of employee?


We have a requirement to have an automated email send to several email addresses on the actual termination date of an employee. So regardless whether HR terminates the employee on the termination date, 2 days before or 3 months before, an email only gets generated on the actual termination date.

And to make things a little more complicated, we want the email to be generated at a certain time of the termination date, say 4pm....

So as an example: HR enters a leaving date for an employee today, but the termination date is not till the 20th November. An email will go out at 4pm on the 20th November advising the appropriate people. IF for whatever HR changes the leaving date to the 25th November, the email will go out at 4pm on the 25th instead.

I originally setup a Dynamic Action based on IT 0000 for actions, but this way, an email gets generated as soon as HR goes to PA40 to change the employee's "leaving date" which is not what we want....

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

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