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Re: [sap-acct] F-03 Error Diff is too large for clearing

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Posted by VidhyaDhar (User-friendly SAP FI Consultant)
on Nov 1 at 8:20 PM
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As Ari rightly said the difference between the amounts in the cleared
document and the clearing document is far too much for the system to
automatically assign to a general ledger account. The said difference is
greater than what is configured in the employee / G L / Business Partner
tolerance limits.

You could overcome this problem by clearing through one of the following

1. using the partial payment tab whereby the difference is still retained
as a collectible / payable open item (both the original document line item
and the clearing item appear open but mapped to each other)
2. using the residual payment tab whereby the original document and the
clearing document are both virtually cleared in full yet the difference
reappears as collectible / payable open item with a new document reference
3. as an advance payment where the original document line item and the
clearing item remain open but without getting mapped to one another
4. manually assigning the difference to one or more G L accounts

You could also use pre-defined ( system defined default / user defined )
reason code(s) to the differing amounts, wherever necessary.



---------------Original Message---------------
From: ARI
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 2:48 PM
Subject: F-03 Error Diff is too large for clearing


This problem usually arise when the amount you want to clear in the initial screen and the amount selected for clearing have a difference and you want to post the same w/o charging the difference out.

Thanks and Regards,


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