Dear Roy, ? I won't tell the Bavarian population your opinion.? I don't know too much about Germany, but it seems some people have thoughts back before 1918. ? In SD I generally follow this rule anyway, though in my current number range are defined by per company.? I have had a few discussions with the German and Italian Accountants.? I guess as you said, if they show proof of the requirement and the law, then we will proceed.? ? As we both know, during projects there is always a "wish list". ? Kind Regards Waza
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Roy B Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 9:50 AM Subject: Italy - Credit Memo Returns > 1 year rule Hi Waza, Munich? That's further away from Hamburg than London is, both in distance and in mentality. In Hamburg we regard Bavaria as a foreign country. :-) The question of SD document numbering boils down to this - there are documents for movements of goods, i.e. invoices and credit notes, so that means two number ranges, and associated document types. Then there are documents for sales adjustments which do not involve a movement of goods, usually debit notes and credit notes, so that means two more number ranges. Then there are year-end rebates - yet another number range. That is the logic you need to apply. You can have many different order types but if they all do more or less the same job, e.g. move goods outwards, they are treated the same. No, SAP doesn't have all the tax codes in FTXP for Italy. Tax codes can vary from business to business and are driven by the type of customer and whether or not they export, and have to be set up by someone who knows what he is doing. However, the client will already be using all the tax codes he needs so this is the starting point - map what can be mapped and create new for the others. Careful! The Italian accountants will tell you they "must have" about 100 tax codes but many of these can be combined because they are slight variations of the same codes, so resist and challenge what they tell you. On my first project in Italy I was presented with a very long list of these "must have" tax codes and spent a great deal of time in discussions with the local accountants and 2 junior local consultants to reduce the list to about 30 new tax codes that I had to create. On another project we called on SAP Italia for help on localisation issues and they came up with some very helpful tips. Italian accountants would rather err on the side of caution but some of the "rules" are just common practices and can be safely ignored. I once had an argument with an Italian finance director over a point of VAT law on Intrastat reporting and he said "Article 25 of the VAT law says this" and I said "No it doesn't. It says that" I told him to get a copy of the law and he protested that it is written in Italian, which I do not speak very well but I can read it. I took the law and read it back to him in English and won my point. That's what I mean by resist and challenge. If in doubt, give me a shout. Again I hope this helps. Best Regards, Roy Roy Brookes AFA, FInstBA, SAP? Financials Expert Senior SAP? Financials Consultant Tel: +49 171 268 9635 (mobile) Tel: +49 40 793 19642 (landline) Skype ID: roystonbrookes email@removed email@removed Published Author email@removed Software Partner Solutions SAP? Expert Index Registration: CRF **42819* SAP? Referral Partner for Business One | | __.____._ Copyright © 2010 and message author. 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | wnash7658 SAP Accounting Helper
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