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RE: [sap-acct] BAI preprocessor on tcode FF_5 (import electronic bank statement)

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Posted by Dammah (SAP Business Analyst/Consultant)
on Nov 19 at 2:36 PM
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Hi Diana,
In your external transaction definition, you did not mention how you defined the posting rule. Do you have a posting rule and how is it defined? Debit check out and credit bank?

I'm trying to recollect things from memory since I don't have system with me.

You cannot define the search string as (2######) if you are saying the reference in the BAI file starts with leading zeros. In the search string definition you need to define it as: 002#### with the leading zeros as it appears in the BAI file (this is just an example) and delcare that leading zeros be removed. The actual note to payee field may even have CUST REF: 0020000... or just REF: 002000..... You need to define it exactly as it appears in the BAI file. Then map it to 2####. This means that the 00200000001 will be identified in the BAI file and then switched to 200000001 in SAP tables. Once you define this it should work. If not then switch the target field to Check -/DME Reference......option. This should work.

I just noticed below that you have 200000001 but you are mapping it to 200000000 without the "1".


---------------Original Message---------------
From: DPeak
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 11:11 AM
Subject: BAI preprocessor on tcode FF_5 (import electronic bank statement)


Thanks for the reply. I tried defining a search string but it's not working properly. Here's the situation. The bank is returning the check number in the appropriate stop on the EBS file with BAI code 475. Example:
The check number in SAP is 200000001 (no leading zeros). I've defined the search string as (2########). When I test the string in simulation on the search string definition screen it appears to work, but when I pull in the EBS file its not finding the item to clear. (difference is too large for clearing) In the search string use I've defined it as follows. External transaction 475, negative value, interpretation = 11 outgoing check number different than payment doc number, target field = EBCHECT Check, Mapping = 200000000.

Do you see anything wrong with the search string I've defined above? Any insight you can give me is greatly appreciated.

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