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RE:[sap-basis] Transports display as scheduled after being imported in TMS queue

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Posted by bmilam (Basis Administrator)
on Oct 5 at 3:35 PM
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Thank you all for your responses. I opened a message with SAP. They referred me to OSS note 793879 along with the explanation below:
The reason why you still see the transports displayed as scheduled
after being imported is due to the buffer entry.

Let's take XEDK920145 as an example.

We can see that this was imported to XES successfully.

500 Selection for Import 09/15/2010 09:39:26 (0)
500 Import 09/15/2010 09:47:28 (0)
Check Versions 09/15/2010 09:47:29 (0)
500 Method Execution 09/15/2010 09:52:01 (0)

We can also see from the ULOG that it was imported as part of an
import all.

20100915094719 RFC: tp IMPORT ALL XES pf=\\sapnprd\sapmnt\trans\bin\

If you check the buffer (XES) you will see under umodes "F" (scroll
to the right)

Here I explain what "F" means :
F (in buffer only): buffer entry is at a wrong position. A subsequent
(implicit) addtobuffer will correct that later. This umode normally onlyappears in the buffer of delivery systems when umode 0 has been used.

The reason we see "F" is because this request was imported to XEP
as a prelimiary transport. That is to say it was imported with U0.

20100915093910 RFC: tp IMPORT XEDK920145 XEP clires500 U0

Since you are using queue controlled transports with mass transport
strategy the request will appear in the target buffer (XES) with
umode "F" until an import to XEP takes place without U0.

Even though you run an import all in XES the requests will not be
removed from the buffer until the "F" false poistion is corrected.

So to summarise you need to import the change requests correctly
to XEP.

SAP note # 793879 explains this in detail.

Hope this clarrifies.

So, it appears that I will have to import the transports in my production system with the option "Leave transport request in Queue for later Import" unchecked.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: bmilam
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 9:23 AM
Subject: Transports display as scheduled after being imported in TMS queue

> I have scheduled the "Import All" job to run periodically in my Sandbox system. After the job runs, the STMS_IMPORT command still shows the transports in the queue with the "clock" for status, meaning that the transport is scheduled to be imported. (Even after Refresh) The transports do not get imported again with each scheduled run of the job, but I would like for the transports to disappear from the queue. This is how it functions in my QAS system (set up by consultants a while back). I can manually delete the transports from the TMS queue after they get imported, but I was wondering how to have this happen automatically. Right now, transports get released from DEV and go into the QAS TMS queue. When that periodic import job runs, the QAS transports get imported and routed to my PROD queue. At that point, the QAS transports no longer appear in the QAS TMS queue. Once the PROD transport is imported (done manually), then the transport gets routed to m
y San
> dbox TMS queue. This is where another periodic import job runs. After the transport is imported, I want it removed from the sandbox TMS queue. Any ideas how I make this happen?
> Bill

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