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Re: [sap-acct] OB28 VALIDATION - f-53 stimulate general ledger

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Posted by VidhyaDhar (User-friendly SAP FI Consultant)
on Oct 19 at 9:32 PM
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Could you please specify your exact requirement, please?

Am I getting it right if I understand the requirement as follows:?

If one of the line items during document posting involves General Ledger
Account 11110 AND the end user makes use of either document type DZ or SA (
viz.from customer payment node using DZ or G L Node using SA), the end user
must get an error message akin to " Please do not use document type DZ or SA
for G L Account 11110....."

If this is your requirement then , I am afraid that your validation has been
written incorrectly which does just the opposite of what you want it to do.

Your pre-requisite is absolutely right. It is your check that needs a minor

*The check could have been written as follows:*

*Document Type <>DZ or Document Type <> SA*

Save the validation, assign it to your company code and activate it (Make
sure that your company code is not assigned any other validation procedure
at this call up point ).

1) If you try entering a document (using DZ or SA) and involve account
number 11110, then the system would spew out the error message and prevent
you from posting the document (if the error message is configured as Error
or Cancel).

*Reason *for such behavior: The* Pre-requisite is True* (viz. Account
number 11110 used in line item) but your use of document type DZ or SA
defies the *check and becomes False*. This *True - False *combination*triggers
* the *error message* stipulated in your validation.

If you try entering a document (using DZ or SA) and involve account number
11113, then the system would allow posting of the document.

*Reason* for such behavior: Since the *Pre-requisite *itself* is False* (as
the account number you have used is something other than 11110) the
validation stops here and *no* further *check *is made at all. Since the
validation does not go through the rigmarole of running through the entire
validation. Therefore, as there is no validation for this document the
document gets posted.

Please note that a TRUE - FALSE combination ( true at pre-requisite level
and false at check level ) is what helps in successful validation and as far
as my knowledge goes I do not think simulate (entry view) and simulate in
General Ledger
view have anything to do with the behavior of your validation process.

Please also note that I have assumed that you have configured your
validation correctly. Just try to change the syntax in the check part of the
validation and see how the system behaves.



---------------Original Message---------------
From: VidhyaDhar
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 1:36 PM
Subject: OB28 VALIDATION - f-53 stimulate general ledger


If your validation is at the line item level and you have saved and then
activated it after assigning it to your company code, this is what should
happen hypothetically.

If your account number furnished during transaction entry is 11110 ( TRUE )
then the system looks for document type . If the document type you have used
is either DZ or SA ( TRUE ) then the document should get posted. ( Actually
A True condition in the pre-requisite and a False condition in the Check is
what is required for generation of an error message. In your case , both the
pre-requisite and Check result in TRUE and validation does not happen).

If your account number is 11113 then validation does not happen because the
pre-requisite turns out to be False. If the pre-requisite is False then the
system does not care to validate and the transaction is posted.

As far as I know Validation cannot behave differently no matter whether you
simulate using New G L or otherwise.

The Cardinal Rule for successful validation is a TRUE resulting in the
Pre-requisite and a FALSE resulting in the Check.



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