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Have you entered the value in the next check lot field by mistake? You would need to look through your checks lots using the next check lot field to identify the most recent lot of checks. You can then either increase the 'check number to' field as long as it doesn't then overlap with another check lot, or you can create a new lot completely. If you create a new lot then you would need to use 'Next lot' to specify the new batch you have created. Gary ________________________________ From: clagreca via sap-acct [] Sent: 29 September 2010 16:55 To: Doyle, Gary Subject: RE:[sap-acct] How can I add a check lot Posted by clagreca on Sep 29 at 11:54 AM Mark this reply as helpfulMark as helpful < > When I go to FCHI and increase the check lot it says I need to create a check lot first. Any suggestions. ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Victoria Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 11:43 AM Subject: How can I add a check lot > Transaction FCHI | __.____._ Copyright © 2010 and message author. 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Gary Doyle SAP Accounting Enthusiast
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