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RE:[sap-basis] Query about EHPi: Preparations for Downtime

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Posted by Raghav (SAP Basis Admin)
on Aug 18 at 12:05 PM
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I believe you need to shutdown the app servers, kill saposcol, RZ04/RZ03, SMLG e.t.c.

There are some of the excerpt from the Troubleshooting Guide for SApUp for Windows:


1.Make sure that no job is scheduled in the NT Scheduler that affects the SAP system, such as starting and stopping the SAP system, backing up the database, or similar actions.This could impair the full control of the upgrade program over the SAP system.

2.Delete scheduled jobs in transaction DB13.

3.As of SAP Basis Release 4.0B, transaction DB13 uses different internal job formats. Since transaction DB13 can no longer read the old job formats after the upgrade, you must delete all jobs scheduled for the future.
Proceed as follows:
1.Call transaction DB13.
2.Double-click a day header to see its job overview.
3.Position the cursor on the job that you want to delete and choose Delete.
4.Repeat steps b. and c. until you have deleted all jobs that have not yet been executed.

4.No background job other than RDDIMPDP may be active during the upgrade.
You must cancel the release of all background jobs except RDDIMPDP before the upgrade in all clients. To do this, proceed as follows for each client:
1. Log on to the client as user DDIC.
2.Call transaction SM37.
3.Determine the jobs involved.
3 Administration
3.7 Changing the Virtual Memory/Paging File Size
Fill in the necessary information about the screen Select background jobs as described in the example below. In the Start date field, make sure that the from date is in the past. The To date must be far enough in the future to include all the background jobs that could become active during the upgrade.
4.Choose Execute.
5.Cancel the release by choosing JobSchedule jobCancel
6.Special feature in client 000
The background job RDDIMPDP must be scheduled in client 000. If it is not, schedule it by executing the report RDDNEWPP (transaction SE38).
The upgrade is not affected if RDDIMPDP is also scheduled in other clients.

5.Make sure that no change of operation mode is defined on the central instance during the upgrade.
If this is the case in normal operation, call transaction SM63 to either choose a single operation mode for all time spans or delete all the assignments.

6.Clean up all outstanding updates as described in Evaluating the Results of the Preparation Roadmap Steps in the upgrade guide when the message Update records still exist - Please process appears.

7.Shut down all application servers, if necessary (secondary SAP instances).

8.Make sure that you can recover the database to its current state.

9.If you have chosen strategy downtime-minimized, back up the upgrade directory now.If a hardware problem occurs during downtime, you may need to reset the upgrade to the state it had when the SAP system was isolated. So that the upgrade program has the correct control information, the upgrade directory must have the same state as at the beginning of the MODPROF_TRANS phase.

10.If the central instance and the database server are on the same host, you can lock the database against remote access. Contact the database administrator.
Make sure that no transport requests are imported into the system during downtime. Otherwise you may lose data. For example, by manually importing requests for the automatic adjustment, you may lose all your modifications to the SAP system.

Mark if helpful.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: an2ny
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 1:39 AM
Subject: Query about EHPi: Preparations for Downtime

> Hi Experts,
> I am currently done with Preprocessing stage,
> "Preparations for Downtime
> The installation has reached the end of step "Preprocessing". Perform the following actions:
> Stop all production activities now.
> Make sure that all users have logged out.
> Isolate the central instance. For more information, see the installation guide.
> Actions completed
> Exit this program"
> Just for verification, are these procedures are correct? in the preparation before the Downtime phase
> Steps:
> 1) i'll stop all the instances in MMC
> 2) shutdown database and backup the DB by using this command brbackup –m all –c force –u <dbuser/password>
> 3) backup the EHPI directory
> 4) Startup the Database, leave the instance (MMC) in stop mode.
> 5) Click Continue (in EHPi GUI) from where i stopped
> My questions:
> - Is it alright to shutdown database? while EHPi is still running? because i'll backup the Database.
> - Should I close the EHPi GUi? or should i leave it hanging while backup is in progress?
> - Also, please verify my steps above if i am correct.
> Thanks for your help
> Regards,
> Tony

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