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[sap-log-mm] To post the stock value differences

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Posted by Christine Lila
on Jun 12 at 5:25 PM
Hi SAP MM experts,
Please help to resolve the below :
Actual scenario is to do a puchse return and create a new IR /GR for the same PO, but by mistake did a subsequent credit instead of raising a credit memo.

1) Initial IR and GR ( intransit plant) has been completed ( Amount is $100 for a qty of 2)
2) Cancelled the GR
3) Did a subsequent Credit instead of Credit memo ( amount $100 for qty 2)
4) did a new IR and GR for the same PO Qty , say with amount 120 $ for a qty of 2 ( @ $ 60 per unit qty) .
the IR posting are OK , but the GR Posting for stock accounts is $60 .
Is there a way to directly adjust the value in teh GLs ..


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