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RE:[sap-log-sd] Quick way of finding all active forms for a selection of customers

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Posted by Omar Morales Tecotl (Project Manager)
on Jun 16 at 11:19 AM
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Hi Stephen: You are doing the right thing using NAST as your main input, just filter by the last 6 to 12 months (this depends on type of business you are running).Then split by application like say outputs from Orders. Then download to excel and using pivot tables you can see summary on what are the outputs in use. Hence you can do this for each area you want to cover such DNs, Invoices, so on. I do this exercise in a quarterly base to keep my records on what to test or update when time comes to Support Packs, Enhancement Pack, or even acquisitions. If you want to play safe lets say to cover legal regulation on a country then you can extend the time to 24 months which is really a bid window and be sure to narrow to specific output types or application. You may provable need to take a look at Idocs as well if you want to cover e-messages. With NAST as source you can down your search to Organizational level if needed connecting with other tables like VBAK for instance. Hop
e this approach helps your task. Regards Omar Morales Tecotl

---------------Original Message---------------
From: hovering_yogi
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:06 AM
Subject: Quick way of finding all active forms for a selection of customers

> I'm interested if anyone has a good idea for quickly finding all active forms in use in production.
> We have a list of forms from the business but I am concerned that some might have been missed.
> We could obviously change every single form but there are thousands so thats out from a cost perspective.
> I tried a quick query on KNVV (as I only want customers in certain sales areas), NAST, and TNAPR to combine the details but this runs too slowly in development let alone production.
> Any other good ideas without resorting to writing a custom report (which I don't have any resource to do as all the dev's are busy on the main project changes)?

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Omar Morales Tecotl
SAP Logistics Sales and Distribution Helper

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