Creating New User With Authorizations
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Creating New User With Authorizations
I want to create new user for SAP module. I am having user id as sap* (someone has said that this is super user id); when I login with this id and go to IMG for configurations. A message is displayed that I am not authorised to change the details with sap* user.
What is the procedure for creating new user which have all features define under SAP* user and which could allow me to make the configruations.
Creating new user with superuser authorizations.
1. Goto SU01 --
username : sapuser
2. In default settings, give
first name : sap
lastname : user
3. Goto next tab,
give initial password :1234
repeat password : 1234
4. Goto profiles.
type- sap_all (say enter)
sap_new (say enter)
Then save....
See the message in status bar, (user created successfully)
Keyword: BASIS
Title : Creating New User With Authorizations