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Re: [sap-acct] FI Number Range profit center wise

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Posted by Roy B (SAP Financials Expert)
on Mar 6 at 1:54 PM
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Sorry but I also do not understand the question. What do you
mean by "profit center wise"? It does not make sense. And
please do not insult Ron. He is one of our best gurus.

Rgds, Roy

aravind boddupalli via sap-acct wrote:
> Education for whom? It is better one should mind one's language. Very sorry Ron.
> Profit centers might be CO objects. I can as well define my business areas which are located in different areas as well as profit centers. For each document type I can give document number range and not profit center wise hence I just asked for the possibility. You can say either yes or no if you are interested or else someone will answer.
> ---------------Original Message---------------
> From: aravind boddupalli
> Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:44 PM
> Subject: FI Number Range profit center wise
>> Hi
>> Kindly advise is it possible to have number range profit center wise in FI ?
>> Aravind Boddupalli

Roy Brookes AFA, FInstBA,
Senior SAP Financials Consultant
Tel: +49 171 268 9635 (mobile)
Tel: +49 40 793 19642 (landline)
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Roy B
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