SAP BC Certification - Is It Worth Getting Certified
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Do you think it is worth getting certified? How many test are required for the basis certification? Is it required to take classes or can I study on my own?
Now days there's so many choices. Start at, pick your country and select Certification Program.
If you've got enough years of experience I don't think certification would make much difference to a full time job.
But if you're a contractor, I could see it highly worthwhile. Upgrades / Migrations have to have certified Basis Consultant.
Do you require training to attend certification?
I have done certification in the month of FEB 2003. I took training also.
If you ask me the question - Do you require training to attend certification? I will ask you following questions-
1. Do you have time to attend the course in the first place?
2. Do you want to inform outside world that you want to prove yourself? Coz, World listen you when you are certified. No matter how bad your skills are.
3. Do not want to take chances?
4. Invest money? Remember I am using word invest money? Investment is always linked with expectations of future higher returns?
5. Can keep job and other onhand tasks away for the training time? In otherwords have difficulty to free yourself and so the best choice is making yourself free by attending course would help?
6. Want to know in and out of SAP? Coz course would try to give you the behind picture in depth (practically may not be possible but may be true to some extent)
7. Conceptually weak in many of the aspects of basis?
If your answer is "YES" then better take course before writing exam?
Esp. in IT, you learn faster when someone guide you rather than you do self study. Of course with Basis certification you need both as time is limited. Also you may have to fight for best tutor (remember).
There are pros and cons. You are the better judge. If you can give more valid reasons for the choice you made. Go ahead. Sure you will win. Most important is committment.
Keyword: BASIS
Title : SAP BC Certification - Is It Worth Getting Certified