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Re: [sap-log-qm] Multiple results for a characteristic

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Posted by bibhudutta panigrahi
on Aug 26 at 2:15 AM
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You assign a sampling procedure which is convinient to you.then the sytem
will calculate the values. Then it will allow you to do result recording
beyond the calculated size.Use a generalised sampling procedure .It can be
any sampling procedure with any valuation mode.
I have tested my self it is working fine.
Still you face problem you put a mail to me so that i can send you screen

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:23 AM, cnev100 via sap-log-qm <
sap-log-qm@groups.ittoolbox.com> wrote:
> Posted by cnev100(SAP Analyst)
> on Aug 25 at 2:54 PM
> Bibhu,
> for some reason I do the box with the + to the left of results is still
> greyed out and won't allow multiple recordings. I have set the control
> indicators to single result and larger scope. Do I need to create a sampling
> procesure for this? What would I set the Valuation mode and sampling type
> as?
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