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Re: [sap-log-mm] LI21 error for Reason for Movement

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Posted by elumalaip (MANAGER)
on Aug 25 at 11:44 PM
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Check the field selection option for t/code LI21?

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"akganta via sap-log-mm" <sap-log-mm@Groups.ITtoolbox.com>
08/26/2009 01:59 AM
Please respond to

elumalaip <elumalai.p@piramal.com>
[sap-log-mm] LI21 error for Reason for Movement

Posted by akganta
on Aug 25 at 4:19 PM
In config I made the movement type 711 and 712 as Required for Reason for
Movement.This is requested by the customer.
When trying to clear the Inventory Document in LI21 I get an stop error
asking for me to enter the Reason for the Movement. I dont see any place
to enter the Reason.
Please help me resolve this issue and post the Inventory Document.
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