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RE: [sap-dev] How to find quantity is with decimals or not?

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Posted by prakashkunte (Mr.)
on Aug 25 at 11:39 PM
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Dear Ravi / Neal,

In transaction QA32 when quantity unit is EA or Nos. user can enter number
as 1.25 which is not allowed as per business requirement.
I want to restrict user to enter qty with fractions.

But I could not able to check it.
1.0 is allowed, but 1.253 is not allowed.

How to do that
Table & Fiend is QALS-LMENGE01.



From: Niceguy7376 via sap-dev [mailto:sap-dev@Groups.ITtoolbox.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 11:11 PM
To: prakashkunte
Subject: RE: [sap-dev] How to find quantity is with decimals or not?

Posted by Niceguy7376 (SAP )
on Aug 25 at 1:39 PM
<http://it.toolbox.com/api/ContentVote/2952283/1/1/> Mark this reply as
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Could you be more specific?
I assume this issue is with a specific tcode and field. If so provide those
details and what you want to accomplish.
How is that field defined?

From: sap-dev@Groups.ITtoolbox.com
To: peddu@hotmail.com
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 12:35:55 -0400
Subject: [sap-dev] How to find quantity is with decimals or not?

Posted by prakashkunte (Mr.)
on Aug 25 at 12:38 PM
Hi all,
I was to check the quantity entered by user in a transaction is number or
with decimals i.e one or two digits after decimals
Thanks & regards,
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