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[sap-hr] OM - Object name Job in Object name Position?

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Posted by Tharaud
on 07/13/2009 11:58:00 AM

I need to use object name position for an another use. In fact, I must change all object name job and I realize that I didn't have enough field.
Object abbr. and object name Job field are already used to take into account BENCHMARK job.
So I need another field to fill object name and object abbr. job.
My idea is to turn away object name and object abbr. position. I want to put object name job in object name position;
First question: Will I need this field elsewhere? In training compenent, recruitment compenent or personnel development ? according only the name will be sensless on each screen...
Second question: Can I extend in the matchcode the job table in spro ? Can I add another column in spro?
Last question : can I show in PPOME job ? I can only see O S P ? Any idea.
Thanks by advance

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