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Re: [sap-log-mm] Material name field length limitation

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Posted by peartree
on 07/13/2009 11:45:00 AM

The basic description is only 40 standard characters . Need to strip out 40 characters that best describes the material item, and try to standard the field to be easy for everyone to follow. Provide spaces and use upper and lower case with numbers between letters.
However there is Text in field in Altr Message (Basic Data text, Quality Insp) file that can be used internally for more text info, but will not show up on invoices, You can use Sales Text to print additional text messages of the old description on invoices and Purchasing text on Purchase orders if really necessary. 40 characters really is enough on most documents.

From: "agneschow10@hotmail.com via sap-log-mm" <sap-log-mm@Groups.ITtoolbox.com>
To: peartree <peartree2b2@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2009 10:52:18 AM
Subject: [sap-log-mm] Material name field length limitation
Toolbox sap-log-mm
I am doing data synchronization between SAP and Axapta however, in material master the max. length is 40 digits while the data from Axapta has 80 digits. when the data loaded into SAP, the name got cut off after 40th digit.
Is there any possible solution to fix this problem or any good suggestion to deal with it?
Thanks a lot.

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