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RE:[sap-dev] Table data into rows

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Posted by jeremy_hilden
on 07/15/2009 10:23:00 AM

Thank you all for these responses. I am going to begin working in ABAP (I didn't really expect that SQVI would be robust enough but it has a built-in export to Excel).
Anyway, with ABAP, after the main select and sort by e-mails, I will loop through my first internal table and assign to another internal table. How "wide" should I make that 2nd internal table, though, since there are a variable number of vouchers that could occur per e-mail address? Do I just make it wider than the maximum number currently (plus a little room for any future rows that may have even more)?
Horatio, I would love to use a pivot table, and from SQVI, I even exported to a pivot table, but I just didn't know enough about how to get it to work. Maybe I can figure it out from the help within Excel 2007.
Thanks a lot - I will post again soon with progress!

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