RE:[sap-abap] MEDRUCK
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on 07/27/2009 04:38:00 PM
When you are in debug on the SAPscript, will it not let you step into the PERFORM?
Do you have values in the USING fields in the SAPscript?
Have you tried putting default values in your ABAP code? Some value that might show you had a problem in the PERFORM.
One thing to watch for is that the numeric values in the SAPscript are in an edited format. So, you may have to convert (TRANSLATE) them in your ABAP code for your reads/selects to work.
It has been some time since I have worked in SAPscript, and that was at another location. So, I am trying to recall this from memory. But, I thought I have been in debug on the code before.
From: saun via sap-abap []
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 5:28 AM
To: Louk, John
Subject: RE:[sap-abap] MEDRUCK
yes when i put that in debug mode and set break-points in my report programme of the PERFORM. then control never halt at the breaks of the report programme as well am not getting my values.I think(may b wrong) as the control not going there so any attempt of checking of values is useless,though there is data.
yes the driver programme is sap standard.I replaced the MEDRUCK by ZMEDRUCK in tcode-NACE
REgarding the changing parametre's name,its just the reflection of my sevral R&D attempts of days.
comment plz. __.____._
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