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RE: [sap-log-sd] Payment Terms on printed sales order

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Posted by Madelaine
on 06/17/2009 02:03:00 AM


What's printing on your invoice is perfectly correct. If it is net due
or COD then the day you create your invoice will be the up to date and
without deduction means there is no settlement discount. Don't think
you've missed anything.


From: Tony Vernon/FW via sap-log-sd
Sent: 16 June 2009 08:36 PM
To: Madelaine Goetsch
Subject: [sap-log-sd] Payment Terms on printed sales order

Hello, for our SD cash payments, the term is Net due immediately. When I
print out a sales order billing document, this displays as "up to
(today's date) without deduction". I don't see this in any of the
configuration. Is this something that's coming from the form itself, or
am I missing something in config? Any ideas would be appreciated!
Tony Vernon
Fairfax Water

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